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Getting Started


Use NuGet package manager to add a reference to this project

> dotnet add package tplink-smartdevices --version 2.0.0
<PackageReference Include="tplink-smartdevices" Version="2.0.0" />
Install-Package tplink-smartdevices -Version 2.0.0

.NET Standard

Be aware that this library targets .net standard, which can not be implemented from all of .net platform versions. To see whether the platform you intend to run on is supported take a look here.

Supported Devices

Class Supported Devices Not tested, maybe working
TPLinkSmartPlug HS100 HS105
TPLinkSmartMeterPlug HS110
TPLinkSmartBulb KL100/KL110/KL130 KL50/KL60/LB100/LB110/LB120/LB130
TPLinkSmartMultiPlug HS300/HS107 KP200/KP303/KP400
TPLinkSmartDimmer HS220


First Use

If your devices are already connected to your Wi-Fi network (e.g through TP-Link provided mobile app Kasa) this step can be skipped. Otherwise you can use the following script to associate your smart devices with your home network:

await new TPLinkDiscovery().Associate("ssid", "password");

Full reference for TPLinkDiscovery().Associate(string, string)


The device running the above script needs to be connected to the network which the tplink smart devices provide. They should be called "TP-Link_Smart Plug_XXXX" or similar. If you have a brand new plug/bulb this network should automatically appear. Otherwise, hold down the reset button on a plug for about 10 seconds, until its light blinks amber rapidly. For a bulb flip the switch on and off 5 times. Not too quickly though! (About 1 sec per flip).


Smart devices which are already connected to the same network as the host devices (PC, tablet, phone, ...) can be discovered to establish further communcation such as turning the device on/off. The discovery runs in an async Task<List<TPLinkSmartDevice>>. There is the possibility to register an event handler which triggers on each discovered device. If the ip-address of smart devices are known and not changing, an object of their associated classes can be created manually without the need for discovery.

var discoveredDevices = await new TPLinkDiscovery().Discover();
Full reference for TPLinkDiscovery.Discover()

TPLinkDiscovery discovery = new TPLinkDiscovery();
discovery.DeviceFound += delegate {
    Console.WriteLine($"Device found: {e.Device.Alias}");
var discoveredDevices = await discovery.Discover();
Full reference for TPLinkDiscovery.DeviceFound

//with constructor (blocking!)
var smartPlug = new TPLinkSmartPlug("");
//or with async factory method
var smartBulb = await TPLinkSmartPlug.Create("");
Full reference for TPLinkSmartPlug and TPLinkSmartBulb

Basic Usage Examples

Following script is a basic example which describes the use-case of turning on all smart plugs in your current network:

var discoveredDevices = await new TPLinkDiscovery().Discover();

foreach (var item in discoveredDevices)
    if (item is TPLinkSmartPlug plug)
        await plug.SetPoweredOn(true);
Full reference for TPLinkSmartPlug.SetPoweredOn(bool)

Changing color of a single smart bulb (LB130, KL130):

var smartBulb = await TPLinkSmartBulb.Create("");

BulbHSV red = new BulbHSV { Hue = 0, Saturation = 100, Value = 100 }; // red HSV(0, 100, 100)
BulbHSV yellow = new BulbHSV { Hue = 60, Saturation = 100, Value = 100 };  // yellow HSV(60, 100, 100)

//apply color (instant)
//apply color with transition time
smartBulb.SetHSV(yellow, 1000);
Full reference for TPLinkSmartBulb.SetHSV(BulbHSV, int)

Remote Control

If you want to control your devices remotely (not from within the same network) there is the possibility to link each device independently to your kasa account. It then shows up in your Kasa app and can be controlled over the internet from wherever it's needed.

smartDevice.ConfigureRemoteAccess("username", "password");
Full reference for TPLinkSmartDevice.ConfigureRemoteAccess(string, string)


By setting up a Countdown Rule it is possible to have a device execute a specific action after a certain time runs out. This can for example be used to turn off all devices after half an hour:

List<ICountDown> cdDevices = discoveredDevices.OfType<ICountDown>().ToList();
cdDevices.ForEach(d =>
        new CountDownRule() { 
            Delay = 1800, 
            Enabled = true, 
            PoweredOn = false, 
            Name = "MyTimer" 
Full reference for CountDownRules


Schedule your smart devices to automatically switch on or off if you are home or away, on sunrise or sunset or whenever you feel like. Example of turning light bulb on each workday at 07:00 in the morning.

Schedule schedule = new Schedule
        Name = "MySchedule",
        StartAction = 1,
        StartTime = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0),
        StartTimeOption = TimeOption.Custom,
        Enabled = true,
        Weekdays = Weekdays.WorkDays
await smartBulb.AddSchedule(schedule);
Full reference for Schedule