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All devices implementing ISchedule can perform certain actions repeatedly on a specific time. Use Schedule to specify the options. Schedules are executed when the time of day equals StartTime as long as the schedule is Enabled. All created schedules can be accessed via the Schedules property.

Schedule schedule = new Schedule
    Name = "Test1",
    StartAction = 1,
    StartTime = new TimeSpan(13, 1, 0),
    StartTimeOption = TimeOption.Custom,
    Enabled = true,
    Weekdays = Weekdays.WeekendDays,
await device.AddSchedule(schedule);


Property Type Description
Name string custom name of schedule, shows in kasa app
Enabled bool if the schedule is currently active or not
StartAction int whether to turn device on or off at start of rule. 0 = turn off, 1 = turn on
StartTimeOption TimeOption TimeOption.Sunset and TimeOption.Sunrise trigger the action at, well, sunset or sunrise. Use TimeOption.Custom in conjunction with StartTime to set your own timing
StartTime TimeSpan time on which the action triggers when using StartTimeOption = TimeOption.Custom e.g. 13:05 would be TimeSpan(13, 5, 0) or you can specify in minutes after midnight with TimeSpan.FromMinutes(785)
Weekdays Weekdays flag of days on which the schedule is executed. Combine multiple days with bitwise or - operator Weekdays = Weekdays.Monday | Weekdays.Friday or use preset combinations like Weekdays = Weekdays.WeekendDays

some more options are available, they are not well tested as of version 2.0.0


Task ICountDown.RetrieveSchedules();
queries the device for current schedules and updates Schedules respectively.

Task ICountDown.AddSchedule(Schedule);
adds a new schedule

Task ICountDown.EditSchedule(Schedule);
update an existing schedule. Example:
device.Schedule[0].Weekdays |= Weekdays.Thursday;
await device.EditSchedule(Schedule[0]);

Task ICountDown.DeleteSchedule(Schedule);
deletes an existing schedule. Example:
await device.DeleteSchedule(Schedules[0]);

Task ICountDown.Schedules();
deletes all existing schedules.