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All Devices implementing ICountDown can perform certain actions after a timer runs out. Use CountDownRule to specify the timer options. All timers only run once, for repeated actions create a Schedule. Currently active timers can be accessed via the CountDownRules property.

var cdr = new CountDownRule() { 
    Delay = 1800, 
    Enabled = true, 
    PoweredOn = false, 
    Name = "MyTimer" 
await device.AddCountDownRule(cdr);


Property Type Description
Name string custom name of timer, shows in kasa app
Enabled bool if the rule is currently active or not
PoweredOn bool if the device should be powered on or off after the timer runs out
Delay int delay in seconds after which the action triggers


Task ICountDown.RetrieveCountDownRules();
queries the device for current timers and updates CountDownRules respectively.

Task ICountDown.AddCountDownRule(CountDownRule);
adds a new rule

Task ICountDown.EditCountDownRule(CountDownRule);
update an existing rule. Example:
device.CountDownRules[0].Delay = 36000;
await device.EditCountDownRule(CountDownRules[0]);

Task ICountDown.DeleteCountDownRule(CountDownRule);
deletes an existing rule. Example:
await device.DeleteCountDownRule(CountDownRules[0]);

Task ICountDown.DeleteAllCountDownRules();
deletes all existing rules.